Advent & Christmas 2024

We hope that you can join us for one or more of our Advent and Christmas services and events – there’s something for everyone!


Sunday 1st DecemberFirst Sunday of AdventEucharist at 8am and 12.15pm (said), and 10am** (sung)
Advent Carol Service at 6.30pm
Monday 2nd DecemberCompline
A quiet, reflective evening service at 8pm
Sunday 8th December
Second Sunday of Advent
Eucharist at 8am (said) and 10am** (sung)
Christingle service in aid of The Children’s Society, with Westbury-on-Trym Church of England Academy, at 4pm
Monday 9th DecemberCompline
A quiet, reflective evening service at 8pm
Sunday 15th DecemberThird Sunday of Advent
Eucharist at 8am (said) and 10am** (sung)
Evensong at 6.30pm
Monday 16th DecemberCompline
A quiet, reflective evening service at 7pm
Wednesday 18th DecemberBlue Christmas
A quiet, reflective service at 8pm for those who find Christmastime difficult
Saturday 21st DecemberOrgan ElevensesA festive programme of Organ Elevenses performed by Richard Johnson. Coffee and cake will be served from 10.30am, and the 40-minute recital will begin at 11am
Sunday 22nd December
Fourth Sunday of Advent
Eucharist at 8am (said) and 10am** (sung) (special all-age family service with a presentation by Sunday Club and Teatime Church)
Service of Nine Lessons and Carols at 6.30pm**
Monday 23rd DecemberCompline
A quiet, reflective evening service at 8pm
Tuesday 24th DecemberChristmas Eve
Crib Service at 4pm**
Midnight Mass at 11pm
Wednesday 25th DecemberChristmas Day
Eucharist at 8am and 12.15pm (said), and 10am** (sung)
Sunday 29th DecemberFirst Sunday of ChristmasEucharist at 8am (said) and 10am** (sung)
Sunday 5th January


Eucharist at 8am and 12.15pm (said), and 10am** (sung)
Solemn Evensong at 6.30pm
Note: the Epiphany Party with Teatime Church will be on Sunday 12th January at 4pm
** indicates services that are livestreamed on our YouTube channel

Recordings of our live-streamed services are available afterwards on our website, on our YouTube channel and via our Facebook page.

Other events

Advent Trail

From Sunday 1st December, please visit the churchyard to participate in a fun trail with riddles and questions about Christmas. There are 10 to find . . . see if you can work them out and find out a bit more about Christmas along the way!

Note: Children must be accompanied by parents/guardians on the trail. It is located close to the churchyard’s pathways, so it is easy to navigate.