The Holy Trinity Environmental Policy Monitoring and Development Group (Environment Group)
The Environment Group is a sub-committee of the PCC. Its remit is to monitor and help develop the Holy Trinity Environmental Policy and Action Plan (first approved in 2019) which cover all aspects of the church’s buildings, operations and activities: The current Policy and Plan were revised and updated by the Group and approved by PCC in 2022. The Group reports progress on the Action Plan annually to PCC.
We are a proactive group, meeting every two to three months to review progress and map out future activity. We contribute regular content to the parish magazine, create displays, help to facilitate themed services, publicise environmental news from our Diocese and other related groups, and collaborate with our church’s family worker. Since 2021 the Group has held three successive Environment Fairs in the church and churchyard, with proceeds going to a national environmental charity.
Holy Trinity Church is involved in the EcoChurch scheme, which is an initiative launched by A Rocha in 2016 to help grassroots church communities of all denominations operate more sustainably, reduce their impact on the natural environment, and demonstrate care for God’s creation in practical ways. The scheme covers all aspects of church life – worship and teaching, building and land management, community engagement, and lifestyle choices. Our church has achieved the EcoChurch Silver Award and is now working towards Gold.
The Group recruits its own members (at least one a current PCC member) and we warmly welcome new people to the group. Enquiries to the group’s Chair, Ros Saunders at