At Holy Trinity Church, there is a group of people who act as servers at the church services. Usually, there are two servers at each service and they are responsible for:
- Preparing the altars for each service.
- Making sure that all the candles are lit.
- Participating in a service, usually by leading a procession of clergy and choir.
Young servers
While we have a group of adult servers, and more are always welcome, we would be delighted to increase the number of children serving. As well as being a ministry itself, it is a great way to give children a role within the church, develop responsibility and make new friends.
If you are between the ages of 8 and 18, and would like to know more about what’s involved, please call the Parish Office on 0117 950 8644 or email
Sharing out the tasks
On average, a server acts at a 10am service on Sunday mornings once a month. There is a rota to ensure that cover is shared evenly among the servers. Servers are required to arrive at 9.30am to prepare the church for the morning service.
During the year, servers are required at additional services during the church’s major festivals, such as Easter and Christmas.
In addition, servers can be invited to serve at weddings. These are usually on Saturdays, and there is a separate rota to ensure that each server can serve if they wish to.
Serving is about more than the financial incentive, of course, but the church does pay its young servers a nominal amount for each Sunday service. Servers are also paid for weddings, reflecting the fact that they are giving up an hour or so of their time on a Saturday.
For younger children especially, being a server is about having the responsibility to perform an important role in the church’s life. It is about being a valued member of the church, and often leads to creating long-lasting friendships.
Social events
We organise occasional social events (such as ice-skating, bowling or a trip to the cinema) for servers, sometimes as a joint activity with the choir.
Further information
If you would like to know more about being a server, please call the Parish Office on 0117 950 8644 or email