Children’s Services and Events

Upcoming Family Services and Events

Teatime Church Family Services

Our Teatime Church services run on Sundays from 4pm until 5.15pm roughly once a month. They include fun, themed craft activities; a monthly Lego challenge; baby/toddler corner; interactive worship songs; a short reflection and supper for all the children. Our next Teatime Church Service is on Sunday 22nd September, 4 – 5:15pm.

Following the success of previous years, Teatime Church will once again be taking place at the church Harvest Supper on Sunday 6th October. This year, the event will be held at Westbury-on-Trym Methodist Church Hall. Teatime Church will be held in a side room, then children and families will eat a special Harvest supper with other members of the congregation in the main hall. Tickets will be on sale from 8th September from the Parish Office or at September’s Teatime Church (adults £5, children £2, under-fives free). 

Worship 4 All Monthly Music Service

In September, we are launching a brand new music service for all ages at Holy Trinity Church. There will be contemporary worship songs, including popular songs from iSingPOP and Out of the Ark, which many children will be familiar with, as well as live music, experienced singing leaders and a short reflection based on the monthly theme. Young people will be encouraged to get involved as much as possible. There will be refreshments served at the end of the service. We look forward to seeing you there! 

Weekly 10am Sunday Services

Families are very welcome at all of our services, including the 10am Sunday service. Older children might like to join our weekly Sunday Club, which takes place upstairs during these services (see below). Younger children are welcome to use the toys/colouring sheets in the boxes at the back of the church and play on the carpeted area. St Paul’s Room at the back of the church is also available if you would like to take a younger child in there while you listen to the service on the room’s speaker.

Special All-Age Worship Services

Our special services take place during specific 10am Sunday services such as Mothering Sunday, Harvest and Christmas. Young children play a particularly important role in leading these services, often taking part in a special presentation and reading the prayers and passages. Toys and activity sheets are available at the back of the church for babies, toddlers and young children. The services are very accessible for young children and can be enjoyed by a family together.

Sunday Club

Sunday Club runs during most 10am services on Sundays. Children join Sunday Club after an initial welcome in church and return to church for the Eucharist. Please check the calendar for the latest dates.

Toddlers Together

Our friendly parent-and-toddler community group takes place every Thursday during term time from 10am to 11.15am at Westbury-on-Trym Methodist Church Hall. There are lots of baby and toddler toys, craft activities, singing, hot drinks, squash and biscuits and a final prayer at the end.

Attendees are asked to pay a £2 voluntary donation to cover running costs. All are very welcome! For further information, please email Georgie or see our Toddler Group page.

Church Choir

The parish church choir is recruiting for new singers from 8 years old. Rehearsals run at the church from 6pm to 7pm every Tuesday during term time, and at 9.15am for the 10am Sunday service. Members benefit from expert musical tuition in this renowned choir, which has broadcast on the BBC and sings in cathedrals and at concerts around Bristol. Adults are also welcome. For more information, please see our Choirs page.

Confirmation Classes

Please contact the parish office on 0117 950 8644 if you are interested in your pre-teen/teenager joining a Confirmation class.

Becoming a Church Server or Bell Ringer

There are opportunities for our church youth to become church servers or bell ringers. Please contact the parish office for more information.