Ways to pray
Different ways to pray can help us at different times, so we’ve provided some prayer tips and resources below that you may wish to use. We hope that these will give you some ideas to maintain and deepen your faith and prayers.
God wants us to turn to him in all our troubles and perplexities, even if we can’t always find the “right words”. And remember – the rest of the church is praying for you!
We also have a dedicated Prayer Ministry team who would be delighted to chat to you, so do please get in touch through the contact form on our Prayer Ministry page if you would like any help or advice.
- Lighting a candle before we pray can help us to focus and listen.
- Jesus taught us the Lord’s Prayer so that we always have words to say. Let’s use it! (see resources below)
- Sometimes, just sitting in silence can be a powerful way to pray. We can ask the Holy Spirit to lead us.
- Holding an object can help to focus the mind. We could hold a cross, a pebble, an icon – whichever object works best for us.
- Being creative: listening to a favourite hymn or worship song – or any other piece of music that has special meaning to us – can help us to pray. Likewise, gazing at a picture can help to prompt prayer, as can doodling, painting or drawing as we pray.
Our Lay Minister Lyn Horscroft has provided some thoughts on prayer, which we hope you will find helpful. You may like to read these before you view the resources below.
A Prayer Labyrinth
Lectio Divina
Ignatian Prayer
Daily Office Prayer
Collects & Other Prayers
The Lord’s Prayer
For more suggestions of helpful prayer resources available elsewhere online, please see our Online Prayer Resources guide.