Who are we?
The Mothers’ Union is a Christian charity that seeks to support families worldwide. In 81 countries, our members share one heartfelt vision – to bring about a world where God’s love is shown through loving, respectful and flourishing relationships.
Where and when do we meet?
Although there is no longer an active branch of the Mothers’ Union at Holy Trinity Church, we still meet on the 2nd Thursday of the month in church at 9.30am for a shared Corporate Communion. We extend a warm welcome to anyone who is able to join us for this service and afterwards for some refreshments in St Paul’s Room.
Several members also often join other local branches for their monthly programme of talks and activities.
Who can join the Mother’s Union?
If you are a Christian who believes in the importance of family life, you should join the Mothers’ Union. Our members are not all mothers, or even all women. Men and women, married and unmarried, parent or not – all can and do join the Mothers’ Union.
What do we do?
For its 4 million members Mothers’ Union provides a network through which they can serve Christ in their own community – through prayer, financial support and actively working at the grassroots level in programmes that meet local needs. We lobby local and national governments on issues affecting family life and campaign to challenge legislation that neglects the vulnerable and marginalised. We are also represented at the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women.
Local projects
In the Bristol Diocese members of the Mothers’ Union are involved in prison visiting, supporting parents and children at the Children’s Hospital, supporting the Night Shelter, providing holidays for families in adversity, helping asylum seekers and refugees, and working with teenage parents in Hartcliffe and Withywood. The Mothers’ Union also provides ‘Welcomers’ for visitors to Bristol Cathedral.
Overseas projects
Some of our most important work is done overseas. Our action and outreach work helps families and communities to work together to address hardship and discrimination. Mothers’ Union workers and volunteers encourage groups to think about and tackle such issues as HIV/AIDS, gender inequality and violence against women and girls. Through our Relief Fund immediate aid is sent to disaster areas where people are suffering from the after-effects of devastating earthquakes, severe flooding and prolonged droughts.