Services – Epiphany to Ash Wednesday 2021

Live streaming of services can be found on our Facebook page and on YouTube.

Ash Wednesday – 17 February 2021

The Sunday Next Before Lent – 14 February 2021

Night Prayer – 10 February 2021

The Second Sunday before Lent – 7 February 2021

Night Prayer – 3 February 2021

The Presentation of Christ in the Temple – 31 January 2021

Night Prayer – 27 January 2021

Third Sunday after the Epiphany – 24 January 2021

Night Prayer – 20 January 2021

Second Sunday after the Epiphany – 17 January 2021

Night Prayer – 13 January 2021

Baptism of Christ – 10 January 2021

Night Prayer – 6 January 2021

The Epiphany – 3 January 2021