Lent, Holy Week & Easter

Our Lent Prayer for 2025

May God the Father, who does not despise the broken spirit,
give to you a contrite heart,
May Christ who bore our sins in his body on the tree,
heal you by his wounds,
May the Holy Spirit, who leads us into all truth,
speak to you words of pardon and peace. Amen.

Lent Course

Our Lent course starts w/c Monday 10th March, and is based on material from CAFOD, the Catholic Agency for Overseas Development. The theme is Jubilee 2025: Pilgrims of Hope, and we will be reflecting on the Jubilee principle in Leviticus 25 – which presents a profound framework for social, economic, and spiritual renewal – and on the ministry of Jesus.

Aspects of justice, stewardship and freedom will be considered in our Lenten preparations this year.

For more information, please see our Lent Course page, or express your interest on this sign-up form.

Lent Lunches

When: every Tuesday from 11th March to 15th April
Where: St Paul’s Room, at the back of the church
What time: 12pm to 2pm
There will be soup and a roll, together with a talk, followed by a short reflection over coffee and biscuits. A suggested donation of £3 in support of Christian Aid is most welcome.

Services during Lent

You are warmly invited to join us at Holy Trinity Church, Westbury-on-Trym, for the following services.

Ash Wednesday – 5th March
We begin Lent together with a choice of two services – a said service at 10.00am and a sung Eucharist at 7.30pm. These will include the Imposition of Ashes as an outward sign of penitence and fasting.

Stations of the Cross
This is a wonderful way into a reflective and meditative discipline throughout Lent.
Services are held every Monday at 7.30pm from 10th March until 7th April.

This is an important discipline in Lent to prepare for Easter. There will be time available for anyone to speak to the clergy in Holy Week before Easter in church. Please let the Parish Office know if you wish to speak to a member of the clergy.

First Sunday of Lent – 9th March
Said Eucharist
10am Sung Eucharist, with the first of our Lent sermons, given by the Revd Dr Minty Hull, Cathedral Chaplain for Spirituality. Sunday Club will also be running during this service.
6.30pm Evensong, and the start of our series of evening Lent sermons. This year, our sermons are based on the ‘I am’ sayings of Jesus. Father André Hart delivers tonight’s sermon, ‘I am the Bread of Life’.

Second Sunday of Lent – 16th March
Said Eucharist
10am Sung Eucharist, with the second of our Lent sermons, given by the Venerable Becky Waring, Archdeacon of Bristol. Sunday Club will also be running during this service.
4pm Teatime Church, where there will be craft activities, a story with reflection, prayers and fun worship songs. Supper will be provided for all the children at the end of the service. 
6.00pm Evensong, and the second of our series of sermons on the ‘I am’ sayings of Jesus. Bruce Saunders delivers tonight’s sermon, ‘I am the Light of the World’.

Third Sunday of Lent – 23rd March
Said Eucharist
10am Sung Eucharist, with the third of our Lent sermons, given by the Revd Lee Barnes, Adviser for Curacy and Fresh Expressions of Church. Sunday Club will also be running during this service.
6.30pm Evensong, with the third of our series of sermons on the ‘I am’ sayings of Jesus. Angela Berners-Wilson delivers tonight’s sermon, ‘I am the Door’.

Fourth Sunday of Lent, Mothering Sunday and Special All-Age Worship Service with Westbury-on-Trym C of E Academy – 30th March
Said Eucharist
10am Sung Eucharist, with the fourth of our Lent sermons, given by our vicar, Father André Hart. Sunday Club will also be running during this service.
6.30pm Evensong, with the fourth of our series of sermons on the ‘I am’ sayings of Jesus. Dianne Yeandel delivers tonight’s sermon, ‘I am the Good Shepherd’.

Fifth Sunday of Lent – 6th April
Said Eucharist
10am Sung Eucharist, with the fifth of our Lent sermons, given by the Rt Revd Vivienne Faull, Bishop of Bristol. Sunday Club will also be running during this service. There will be an opportunity for healing ministry straight after the service.
6.30pm Evensong, with the fifth of our series of sermons on the ‘I am’ sayings of Jesus. Portia Chorlton delivers tonight’s sermon, ‘I am the Resurrection and the Life’.

Holy Week and Easter

Palm Sunday – 13th April

8am Said Eucharist
9.45am Sung Eucharist with a procession beginning at The College, College Road. Sunday Club will also be running during this service.
6.30pm Palm Sunday Meditation: the choir, Choral Group, Trinity Singers and Westbury Singers sing Handel’s Brockes Passion

Monday 14th April

7.30pm Said Eucharist

Tuesday 15th April

7.30pm Said Eucharist

Wednesday 16th April

7.30pm Said Eucharist with Penitential Rite

Maundy Thursday – 17th April

7.30pm Sung Eucharist followed by The Watch

Good Friday – 18th April

1pm One-hour devotions
2pm Sung Good Friday Liturgy

Holy Saturday – 19th April

8pm The Vigil Service, followed by the First Eucharist of Easter

Easter Day – 20th April

8am Said Eucharist
10am Sung Eucharist
12.15pm Said Eucharist
6.30pm Solemn Evensong

Easter Events and Services for Children

Holy Week Golden Egg Hunt

From 13th to 19th April, we will be running a special golden egg hunt around the church! Each egg has an Easter fact and a letter on it: find all 12 golden eggs and unscramble the letters to make a word.

To be in with a chance of winning a prize, write down the word and parent/carer contact details and post your entry in our very own post box at the back of the church. If your name is picked out, Georgie will get in touch!

Good Friday Craft Session and Children’s Service

Come along on Friday 18th April at 9:15am and get crafty at our Craft for Children event at The College, College Road, BS9 3EJ. This will be followed by a special children’s service in church at 10.30am, with hot cross buns to follow!

Help Make an Easter Garden

At 10am on 19th April – Holy Saturday – we welcome children and families to flex their green fingers and help Abi Hart to prepare our Easter Garden.

Easter Day Service

Do come and join us on Sunday 20th April at 10am for our joyful Easter Eucharist service.